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The Moderates' Manifesto


The Moderates' Manifesto

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The Moderates' Manifesto - eBook

Read the eBook on your device of choice, desktop, laptop, tablet, iPad or phone!


Chapter One: Perils To The Left Of Me, Perils To The Right Of Me!

Chapter Two: The Moderates’ Manifesto

Chapter Three: May The Force Be With You

Chapter Four: Want To Play A Game?

Chapter Five: Economics: The Not So Dismal Science

Chapter Six: “There Ought To Be A  Law…”

Chapter Seven: The Jigsaw Puzzle - Putting It All Together

Chapter Eight: Ok, Where Do We Go From Here?

The Moderates' Manifesto - Audiobook

Listen to the audiobook while walking, driving, or just relaxing at home. Download the .mp3 file to all your devices.

Call or Text: 888-857-7567


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